Welcome to Pastoral Care Training & Praxis, Inc. Offers:

Clinical Pastoral Education/Training (CPE/T)

Certified by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP)

     CPSP is a theologically based certifying and accrediting covenant community.

    Community based CPE is Clinical Pastoral Education located in the indigenous community.  All efforts are made to tailor the learning experience to fit the special needs of the specific context where ministry is done.

     CPE is education for ministry at the graduate theological level and credit     can be applied to on-going theological education with specific seminaries and  graduate schools for clergy, laity, and professionals in the care-giving professions

     Participants are supervised in regular group gatherings and in individual consultation.

     CPE  makes extensive use of the reflective learning process:

      -- Experiential learning with actual encounter with clients, patients, congregants.

      -- Contemplation: an intern thinks about his/her experience and learns from it.

      -- Reflection: there is reflection prior to, during and following the experience and                                  shared with peers for feedback. 

-- It is postulated this might be the best way to learn pragmatic knowledge.

 (CPSP is a theological training and certifying organization which has affiliate membership with the Association of Theological Schools and is a full member of the Coalition on Ministry in Specialized Settings (COMISS))

 Website:  www.cpsp.com


The Pastoral Care Training & Praxis organization is dedicated to the excellence    of pastoral ministry including pastoral care and counseling.  

The programs of Pastoral Care Practice, Certified units of Clinical Pastoral Education and Pastoral Psychotherapy enable care givers to develop a unique form of ministry and education.  The respect of a Care Giver's person and healing, change, growth, development and unique integration of personal and professional ministry are central to PCT&P's mission.

Pastoral care and counseling seeks to empower growth toward wholeness in all of the six interdependent aspects of a person's life:

     Enlivening one's mind

      Revitalizing one's body'

     Renewing and enriching one's intimate relationships

      Deepening one's relationship with nature and the biosphere

     Growth in relation to the significant institutions in one life

     Deepening and vitalizing one's relationship with God

Board Members of PCT&P, Inc.:

Dr. Robert L. Griffin, M.Div., Psy.D.  CPSP, BCC, CPE Supervisor, Director

The Rev. Hulon Kemp, M.Div., CPSP,  Supervisor in Training

The Rev. Dr. John Walker, M.Div., D.Min.

Mindy Littlejohn, M.A., CPSP, BCC, CPE Supervisor

Ruth Rucker, RN

Robert L. Griffin, M.Div., Psy.D. (Director) is a Diplomate Supervision and Psychotherapy with the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, a Certified Family Life Educator, a retied U.S. Army Chaplain and retired member of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

"As a pastoral counselor, trained in theology (Master of Divinity Degree) and psychology 
(studies in Marriage and Family Therapy and Clinical Supervision) my goal is to help 
uncover your true potential and lead a life that is satisfying and relationships that are 

"While we can't change difficult situations of the past, we can work together to better 
understand and resolve challenges in your life.  By applying complementary therapy 
approaches and techniques, we will unearth long-standing behavior patterns or negative perceptions that may be holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and 
meaningful life."

Sign up for Pastoral Care Training Opportunities:  

Application:   Click Here   

NOTE:   A address for the Application:   
              167 Eagles Club Drive 
               Stockbridge, Georgia  30281